Requirements and Quality Assurance
by itsbusiness AG
Requirements are the Key to developing a successful Software Project with the help of Quality Assurance.
Requirements are the Key to developing a successful Software Project.
Requirements should be:
- Clear and understandable – so that they can be implemented correctly.
- Complete – requirements need to define all aspects of the system.
- Consistent – requirements should not conflict with each other.
- Traceable – requirements should be labelled uniquely and referenced in the system design and code
- Testable – requirements should be detailed to a level which easily allows tests to be written against them.
So many projects fail because the requirements are not developed in the above manner.
Whether requirements are functional (i.e., describing the behavior of the software) or non-functional (the operation of the system: i.e. response times, performance), they have to define exactly what your system is going to do.
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance should be involved at the start of a project when requirements are being defined.
Quality Assurance will help with Reviewing requirements with respect to:
- Clarity
- Completeness
- Traceability
- Testability
In addition, QA is responsible for making sure that Standards and Processes are followed correctly.
The best thing to do at the start of your project is to involve independent experienced Quality Assurance experts, to review requirements, offer advice, and help clarify what you are trying to achieve.
A complete set of well written requirements is the key to developing a successful Software Project.
Itsbusiness AG with more than 20 years’ experience in different industries, provides QA expertise to guide and help projects complete successfully.
If you have questions or would like an audit, please contact:
Andrew Connell
QA Consultant, itsbusiness AG
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